Meet the leaders of WiB, the

About Us

Women in Business strives to reach out to women across the College to create a forum for education, discussion and mentorship. All students, graduate and undergraduate, are welcome to join as general members. To learn more, join us at our next weekly meeting. The only requirement for membership is filling out an Interest Indicator.

For individuals who have completed three quarters of membership and are interested in a greater level of leadership, WiB Associate Membership is the next step.

To cultivate industry-specific knowledge, all WiB members participate in smaller focus groups

Consulting Group
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The Consulting Group meets weekly and works its way through complex consulting cases…
Marketing Group
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The marketing group meets on a weekly basis to provide its members a better understanding…
Finance Group
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The Finance group helps educate its members on the different types of finance including…
Tech Group
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The Tech and Entrepreneurship group explores the various aspects of two closely related…